HomeStory Prompts and Tips

Story Prompts and Tips

Not sure what story to tell? Check out the story prompts below!

  • Tell a story about moving to Easton
  • Tell a story about your home's history
  • Tell a story about your favorite Easton school memory
  • Tell a story about the first person in your family who lived in Easton
  • Tell a story about a place in Easton that holds a special place in your heart

Ready to start recording? Here are some tips to have a great storytelling experience:

  • Try to record your story in a location without background noise. This will make for a better recording and limit distractions.
  • If you're nervous about telling your story, try writing down a few bullet points to help guide you as you are recording.
  • Imagine you're sitting down with your best friend or a loved one to share this story and speak as if you're having a conversation with them.